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 G.THOMAS -    Plateartist med Hjerte for Country ! ( see English presentation underneath )


G.Thomas feiret i 2022 40 år som profesjonell fulltids countryartist.

Han begynnte sin profesjonelle karriere som pub artist på Tyholmen kro i Arendal i 1982 . Med sine 40års erfaring som turnerende Countryartist, fremstår han i dag som en av de mest erfarne artistene innen sin sjanger i Norge. Han blir beskrevet som en legende i sitt slag i norsk/skandinavisk og europeisk sammenheng. 

I 2014 , i forbindelse med sitt 30 årsjubileum som plateartist, ga han ut sitt 11te solo album i mai samme år ¨Hey Hey Hey Good Morning¨ og omhandler store deler av G.Thomas`s liv og hendelser. Alle låter originale, signert G.Thomas selv og hans medskribenter. Platen fikk flotte kritikker av media og publikum og singelen Hey Hey Hey Good Morning spilles titt og ofte på radiostasjoner rundt i skandinavia og Europa. 4 nye låter ble spillt inn i 2017/18 og ligger som streaming og nedlastning på flere nettsteder og nye låter planlegges for 2020. 

I 2022 feiret han sitt 40 års jubileums sammen med artist venner og ga ut dobbelt albumet ¨G.THOMAS & FRIENDS - 40th Jubilee 14. Januar. Det inneholder 24 låter og derav 23 duetter med artist venner som The Bellamy Brothers, Bobby Bare, Waylon ( avdød ), Steinar Albrigtsen, Monika Nordli, Steffen Jakobsen, Hawk Christensen + mange flere.


G.Thomas ( eller Gunnar Thommesen som han heter ) er født og oppvokst i Bodø. Lærte å spille gitar av sin mor. Reiste ut i verden som 20 åring, gikk på teknisk fagskole i USA og er nå bosatt i Froland utenfor Arendal, hvor han har sin base, skriver låter og øver inn nytt låtmateriale til kommende plater og konsertprosjekter.

Han er daglig leder i sitt eget konsert byrå og eventfirma ( CountryArtists International as ), hvor han booker artister og arrangerer konserter og leverer musikk til diverse eventer landet rundt. I hovedsak internationale countryartister.

Artisten betegnes som en trofast ”outlaw” country artist med røtter i classic country.

G.Thomas er en meget aktiv ”live” artist som gjør opptredener på events/ pubber til konserter på festivaler, messer etc med sine utvalgte musikere. Jobber ofte med sitt eget 4 manns band ( men også solo/duo/trio ) bestående av dyktige sørlands musikere.

G.Thomas turnerer ofte med sitt eget solide band men jobber også i side prosjektene 

”The European Highwaymen”( ga ut CD`n - SPINNING i 2013), 

Er også aktuell med country showene.... ¨¨Who`s Gonna Fill their shoes¨... ( En countrymusikkhistorie for kulturhus ) - Classic Country Night ( med eget band og gjester ), Historier fra " Livets Landevei " - CountryGospel Night ( akustisk program om historier fra livet ) og hans outlaw prosjekt ¨From Hank To Waylon¨ , der G.Thomas og Hawk Christensen setter fokus på Outlaw Country historien. 

Siste info: Musikk Videoen på " Living in the west" ( duetten med The Bellamy Brothers ) fra jubileums albumet " G.Thomas & Friends" vant nettopp månedens 1. pris for beste video på Talgore International film festival. - 

Tlf. +47 93084908 ( Gunnar )  – Email:



# Kjent for bl.a radio hit`ene ” Jesus in a leather Jacket ”, Down Came The world ( m/ Waylon Jennings ), This is the next time, Barefooted Boys, We all get Lucky Sometimes,  Hey Hey Hey Good Morning og Living in the West m.fl

# Gitt ut 11 solo album samt vært med på flere samlealbum. ( Bl.a Country Saloon, The lost outlaws, Country Jukebox m.fl

# Ga ut sitt ¨The Best so Far – 25 Years i 2009.

# Ga ut sitt 40 års jubileums album " G.Thomas & Friends - 40th Jubilee i 2022 - Dobbelt album med 24 låter og 23 duetter.

# Flere av platene hans er innspillt i Nashville med anerkjente musikere. Solgt ca 100.000 plater og hatt flere listeplasseringer. ( Bl.a VG listen )

# Har opptrådt på flere TV kanaler i Norge og utlandet. ( i Norge bl.a TV 2, TV Norge, NRK ) men også i land som Danmark, Sverige, Tyskland, Holland, USA ( bl.a Fox TV ) , Estland, Polen. 

# Kjent som klassisk outlaw artist med røtter i tradisjonell country musikk.

# Turnerer store deler av Europa hele året fra store festivalscener til intime klubb konserter . Fått fine konsert kritikker i land som Norge, Danmark, Sverige, Færøyene, England, Polen, Holland, Tyskland, Litauen, Spania, Estland, Frankrike og USA.

# Jobber også i suksess prosjektene:

”The European Highwaymen”, 

¨Who`s Gonna Fill Their shoes¨..( Country Music history show ), 

Outlaw prosjektet ¨From Hank to Waylon ¨ ( sammen med Hawk Christensen ).

Classic Country Night ( med band og gjester ) 

Livets Landevei -  Gospel Country Night ( akustisk setting med historier fra livet )

G.Thomas & Friends , ( G.Thomas og bandet med diverse artistvenner )

The Nordic Outlaws m/ artistvenner. 


# Opptrådt på de fleste countryfestivaler i Skandinavia.

# Vært supportartist/oppvarming for bl.a Willie Nelson, Waylon Jennings, Johnny Cash, Kris Kristofferson, Bobby Bare, Vince Gill, The Bellamy Brothers, Tanya Tucker, Don Williams, The Highwaymen ( største opplevelse ), Charley Pride, Pam Tillis, Mark Chessnut m.fl 

# Musikk Videoen på " Living in the west" ( duetten med The Bellamy Brothers ) fra jubileums albumet " G.Thomas & Friends" vant månedens 1. pris for beste video på Talgore International film festival. -

Tlf. +47 93084908 – Email:



# Country Saloon – 1983 ( samlealbum – medvirkende med 3 sanger )

# The New Outlaws – 1984 ( samle album – medvirkende med 1 sang )

# Southern Comfort – 1985 ( kasett ) ( Innspillt Roger Arnhoff studio, Oslo )

# On The Run – 1986 ( LP og kassett ) - ( Innspillt i Kristiansand ) diverse singler fra 

dette albumet.

# Playing my Songs – 1989 ( LP og kassett ) - ( Innspillt i Grimstad Lydstudio )

# Special Tour Collection – 1991 ( CD – kassett ) - ( innspillt i Danmark )

# Lost & Found – 1993 ( CD ) - ( Innspillt i Nashville m/ Waylon Jennings og Bobby Bare)

# Jesus in A Leather Jacket – 1996 ( CD ) - ( Innspillt i Oslo – Div singler fra dette albumet )

# Live in Concert – The Harley Songs – 1999 ( CD ) ( innspillt ¨live¨ Sørlandshallen ) 

# Brother Jukebox -2001 ( single ) - Innspillt Kristiansand

# Wishfull Thinking – 2006 ( CD ) - ( Innspillt i Nashville )

# Country Jukebox – 2006 ( samle CD ) ( fra TV programmet Country Jukebox )

# The Best so far , 25 Year – 2009 ( CD ) - ( samling - Innspillt diverse steder )

# Spinning – 2013 ( The Euroepan Highwaymen ) ( CD ) - ( Innspillt i Nashville )

# Hey Hey Hey Good Morning – 2014 ( CD )- ( Innspillt i Nashville )

# Country Saloon – 2017 ( Samle CD med Jesus in a leather Jacket )

# 3 nye låter innspillt i 2017 for Streaming / nedlasting. ( innspillt i Froland )

# Good Ol`Boys Like me -2018 ( single m/ S.Jakobsen – hyllest til Don Williams )

# To Waylon & To Hank – 2019 ( single for ¨From Hank to Waylon¨ m/ Hawk ) 

# Living in the west - Jan 7th 22 - Single / video -  Duett with The Bellamy Brothers 

# G.Thomas & Friends - 40th Jubilee - Release Jan 14th 2022 - 

Tlf. +47 93084908 –  Email:


Recording artist in Countrymusic  - English presentation. 


G.THOMAS has been a fulltime professional countryartist since 1982 and will celebrate his 40th year in countrymusic this year. 4 new songs for the the streaming market was released in 2018. And in January 2022 , he released hsi jubilee album ¨G.Thomas & Friends - 40th Jubilee¨ The album  is his 12th solo album. This double album includes 24 songs and 23 of them are duetts with G.Thomas `music friends . Amoung them Waylon, Bobby Bare, Billy yates, The Bellamy Brothers , Wendel Adkins etc etc .

His most wellknow album and title song ¨Jesus in a leather Jacket¨ came out in 1996 and put G.Thomas amoung the top countrynames in Norway. His last solo album was released in May 2014 and the title song Hey Hey Hey Good morning, has received alot of airplay on radioes. All songs on the album are written by G.Thomas himself and some co-writers. The album is about G.Thomas`s life , on and off the road. With his 38 years as a professional countryartists, G.Thomas is today, among a few, the most experienced artist in his genre` in Norway. He is still very busy touring with his road band and playing festivals, clubs and bars all over scandinavia and Europe. 


G.THOMAS ( his real name is Gunnar Thommesen ) was born and raised in the little nordern town of Bodø in Norway. He is influenced by his mother who taught him to play guitar. In his 20`s , he wanted to see the world. He worked as an offshore sailor for a while and saw many countries around the world. With his musical background, he found his home in countrymusic. With influence from his family and all the great us artists he listen to, he wanted to become a countrysinger. Such people as Waylon Jennings, Bobby Bare, Don Williams, Johnny Cash, Kris Kristofferson, Willie Nelson, Buck Owens etc etc, became his traveling companions. Several of his albums, are recorded in Nashville, with help from his good friends over there. 


G.THOMAS is now located in Froland, Norway. In a house on the countryside, outside the southern town Arendal, Norway. There he writes songs, and plans his future projects on the road and studio. He also runs his own booking & event agency called CountryArtists International as


G.THOMAS is know as a true ¨outlaw¨ country artist, with his roots in traditional country music. He records when he`s got songs on his mind or written new songs. He works all year round on the road with the different music projects. Also tours with other artists also. 

His main project is basicly with his own road show called Classic Country Night. 


G.THOMAS just started a new project with his good artist friend Hawk Christensen. The project is called ¨From Hank To Waylon¨, and it`s about the Outlaw country history. A single/video will be release on Feb 11th this year and an album will be released in the fall of 2020.

Another show called ¨Who`s Gonna Fill their shoes¨– A country music history show, he plays in culturhouses around the country. ( with several guest artists, band and dancers on stage ). In periods he also plays his CountryGospel Nights " Lifes Highway"  in churches around the south coast. Where he tells real stories about our lifes. He also works with 2 partners in a band called The European Highwaymen, They recorded an album in Nashville in 2013. The album ¨Spinning¨ got great attention in the media. 

His latest video " Living in the west " ,the duet with The Bellamy Brothers , just won first price at the Talgore international film festival. -

Tlf. +47 93084908 – Email:




# G.Thomas is most know for his radio hit song ” Jesus in a leather Jacket ”, but also for other hits like, Down Came The world ( w/ Waylon Jennings ), This is the next time, Barefooted Boys, We all get Lucky sometimes, Hey Hey Hey Good Morning  and his latest recording with The Bellamy Brothers ¨Living in the west¨ is doing really good on streaming on Spotify.

# He recorded his ¨Best So far – 25 years ¨ album in 2009. # Released 11 solo albums since 1985. The last album in may 2014 with all original song, recorded in Nashville.

# Released 4 new songs in 2018 for streaming and a brand new outlaw tribute song in Feb 2020. # Been on several TV shows in Norway and other countries. Sang 500 miles away from home ¨with Bobby Bare on harmony¨ the day after 9/11 on ¨Mornings with Ralph Emory¨.

# Known for his true outlaw country style with roots in traditional country music.

# Tours all year round in big parts of Europe with his band or solo with other bands. In countries like Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Feroe Islands, England, Polen, Holland, Germany, Lituania Spain, Estonia, France. And has also done shows in the USA.

# Also works in the sucess band The European Highwaymen and the projects ¨From Hank To Waylon, Who`s Gonna Fill their shoes, Classic Country Night, ¨Lifes Highway - CountryGospel Night and different other musical project.

# Performed at many countryfestivals thruout Europe.

# Been support act and worked with Willie Nelson, Waylon Jennings, Johnny Cash, Kris Kristofferson, Bobby Bare, Vince Gill, The Bellamy Brothers, Tanya Tucker, Don Williams, The Highwaymen, Charley Pride, Pam Tillis, Mark Chessnut + m.m 

# Released his 40th Jubilee album G.Thomas & Friends in January 2022. -

Tlf. +47 93084908 –   Email:




Country Saloon –1983 - ( compilation album –3 songs ) The New Outlaws – 1984 ( Compilation – 1song ) Southern Comfort –1985 ( cassete) - ( Recordedin n Cross Studio in Kristianand ) On The Run – 1986 ( LP og cassett ) - ( Recorded in Cross Studio in Kristiansand ) Playingmy Songs – 1989 ( LP og cassette ) - ( Recorded in Grimstad ) SpecialTour Collection –1991( CD –cassette ) - ( Recorded in Danmark ) Lost & Found – 1993 ( CD) - ( Recorded in Nashville w/ Waylon Jennings and Bobby Bare ) Jesus in A Leather Jacket –1996 ( CD ) - ( Recorded in Oslo ) Live in Concert –The Harley Songs – 1999 ( CD ) (Recorded live in Sørlandshallen,Kr.Sand ) Brother Jukebox -2001 ( single ) - ( Recorded in Kristiansand ) Wishfull Thinking –2006 ( CD ) - ( Recorded in Nashville ) Country Jukebox – 2006 ( Compilation CD ) ( from TV show- Country Jukebox ) The Best so far - 25 Years – 2009 ( CD) - ( Compilation CD with 25 songs ) Spinning – 2013 ( The Euroepan Highwaymen ) - ( CD ) - ( Recorded in Nashville ) Hey Hey Hey Good Morning –2014 ( CD ) - ( Recordedin Nashville ) Country Saloon – 2017 ( Compilation CD with the song, Jesus in aleather Jacket ) 


3 new songs ( Cowboy Rides away, For the Good Times, Spanish Alibi ) recorded in 2017/18 for Streaming/downloading. ( Recorded in Norway )

Good Ol` Boys like me – 2018 ( w/ S.Jakobsen – a Tribute to Don Williams ) 

To Waylon and To Hank – 2019 ( single recorded for the project ¨From Hank to Waylon¨ ) 

Living in the west - single / duett with The Bellamy Brothers  from his new album - Released on Jan 7th 22

G.Thomas & Friends - 40th Jubilee album to be released on January 14th 2022 -

Tlf. +47 93084908 - Email:


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